- Reiki
- Reiki Attunement
- Holy Fire Reiki
- Inner child
- Past life
- Violet Flame
- Relationship Healing
- Kundalini Healing
- Crystal Grid Healing
- Metatron
- Akashic Records
- Violet Flame Healing
Nature is the Cure
Sessions last about 60 to 90 mins depending on the need. They can be online or in person.
After the session, you may feel peaceful, you may feel grief, you may feel hot or cold and see strange dreams. These symptoms are normal. Grief means releasing. old and stagnant energies coming to the surface.
Depending on the issue, Pelin also gives crystals and herbs advice. Reiki will keep working on you even after the session. Pelin will give you a 21 daily exercise to enhance the effect of the healing energy. Also. Pelin will intuitively pick an oracle card at the end of the session.
Energy Healing
Energy Healing can help improve one’s emotional, mental and physical health, enhance the effects of medical treatments, and speed up the recovery process after invasive procedures. Energy healing can also be offered to plants, animals, and minerals.
Benefits include:
Improved energy and mood, Emotional and physical healing, Reduced stress and anxiety, Improved quality of life, Pain relief, Strengthening the immune system, Speedy recovery after surgical procedures, Trauma release, Increased personal growth and self-awareness.
Akashic Records
Every energetic vibration of thought, emotion, and information is stored in our own Akashic Record.
This includes your personal information from your own eternal history, which is in the Akashic Records. Connecting to the Akashic records is one method for enacting karmic healing.
As an Akashic Records reader, I can help transform the past and present events that no longer serve you. Freeing you from the negative outcomes.
Crystal Grid Healing
I will create a crystal grid using sacred geometry to support your healing, intention or desired goal. I will place crystal stones on a geometric pattern for the purpose of creating a particular energy field and direct that energy to whatever you wish for. If you have a specific intention, you can let me know and I can place your intention inside the grid.
The grid will stand for 2 weeks. You can extend the duration of the crystal grid by placing another order with me.
Reiki Attunement
Reiki Attunement is an initiation that opens the door to what you are already capable of. It adjusts your energy to pick up the channel of Reiki energy so that you can benefit from it physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Each time a person receives an Attunement, a larger percentage of density releases.
I give Reiki Attunements for Reiki level 1,2, Master level and Master teacher level. You can receive attunements more than one time to clear and open the channels even more. If you received Reiki level 1 attunement already you can still receive Reiki level 1 Attunement from different teachers.
The more Attunements you receive, the better. Before giving the Attunement, I will ask for a proof of completion of the Reiki level.
Kundalini Healing
I will use an advanced healing method to clear negative energies held in your kundalini channels.
We store past life programming and trauma in our kundalini channels. This technique will remove any low frequency energy attached to your body and field.
Book A Session
Violet Flame Energy
Violet flame is an energy of transmutation, freedom, alchemy, mercy, forgiveness, justice and joy. It is a transforming and purifying energy. I will cleanse your aura, chakras and your entire energy body with this powerful energy. It includes alchemical marriage and cord cutting methods.
Alchemical marriage helps with balancing female and male energies, clear kundalini channels and dissolve blockages.
Cord cutting helps us stay in our own energy and be more authentic. It helps us detach. I sometimes incorporate violet flame in reiki sessions but this is for people who want to experience violet flame alone.
Relationship Healing
Violet Flame is an energy healing method to help heal your relationships. Violet Flame is a powerful energy. It is an energy of transmutation, love, forgiveness, mercy and freedom.
It can be done to heal the relationships with family members, ex-partner, soulmates, or any kind of relationship.