Violet flame is an energy of transmutation, freedom, alchemy, mercy, forgiveness, justice and joy.
It is a transforming and purifying energy. It includes alchemical marriage and cord cutting methods.
- Alchemical marriage helps with balancing female and male energies, clear kundalini channels and dissolve blockages.
- Cord cutting helps us stay in our own energy and be more authentic. It helps us detach.
- Remote via Zoom or in person
Sessions are $80 Book a Session
Relationship Healing
I use Violet flame as it is an energy healing method to help heal your relationships. Violet flame is a powerful energy. It is an energy of transmutation, love, forgiveness, mercy and freedom.
It can be done to heal the relationships with family members, ex-partner, soulmates, or any kind of relationship.
Remote via Zoom
Sessions are $80 Book a Session
Kundalini Healing
We store past life programming and trauma in our kundalini channels.
This technique will remove any low frequency energy attached to your body and field
Remote via Zoom or in person
Sessions are $80 Book a Session
Metatron Healing
Metatron healing involves removing stagnant energies using hand positions and Metatron’s cube, also known as Merkaba Star. This method is transmuting the unwanted energies with intense and powerful frequencies.
Metatron is a powerful healing method that removes deep seated trauma from the body.
Remote via Zoom or in person
Sessions are $80 Book a Session
Akashic Records
Every energetic vibration of thought, emotion, and information including your personal information from your own eternal history is in the Akashic Records.
Connecting to the Akashic records is one method for enacting karmic healing. As an Akashic records healer, I can help transform the past and present events that no longer serve you. This will free you from the negative outcomes.
Remote via Zoom
Sessions are $80 Book a Session
Crystal Grid Healing
Crystals involve usage of sacred geometry to support your healing, intention or desired goal.
The crystal stones are placed on a geometric pattern for the purpose of creating a particular energy field and directing that energy to your wishes.
The grid will stand for 2 weeks. You will receive the picture of the grid. You can extend the duration of the crystal grid by placing another order.
Remote via Phone